Live, Lift, Love Podcast is guest-focused discussions on health, fitness, social responsibility, and breaking through every day limitations to live a better life.

Hits By Jude
Step into the dynamic world of Alix Balan, aka Hits By Jude, a
multifaceted artist from Brooklyn, NY.
We discuss our experiences in Passport Bro Culture, lessons learned from living overseas, and the profound exploration of Blackness while traveling.
Follow Jude's journey as writer, producer, singer, rapper, and artist developer and talent manager on Youtube, IG, and TikTok: @HitsbyJude.
Episode 31: The Black Experience Matters
In my latest epsidoe, I'm joined by Justin a real estate developer (Tik Tok: @.tequilamockingbird)and mutual follower for a layered convo on the Black experience.
Topics inlcude cultural appropriation, the coming of age experience with saying the N-word as Black males, language politics, policing Blackness and questioning if the Black experience is under attack; and if so, by who?
Please listen to the last few minutes of the episode to learn about the Priscilla M. De Leon Endowed Memorial Scholarship, and donate to the funding of this scholarship in honor of Priscilla at:
Episode 7: Balancing Your Masculine and Feminine Energy
In this episode, I'm joined by my good friend and Licensed Therapist, Vanessa Setteductto. We discuss the chaos of our innate masculine and feminine energies, the need to balance them to live fulfilled lives, and the traits of each that help us distinguish our needs and responsibilities.
Episode 29: The Haiti Tree Project

Had an amazing time talking with Karen Nicolas, Director of The Haiti Tree Project — a non-profit that works with Haitian farmers and communities to support and expand reforestation efforts through financial and educational support. Less than 2% of Haiti’s native forest remains. We discuss The Haiti Tree Project — it's inception, the initial challenges, the work needed to support Haitian farmers and communities, and using tech to create a greater connection between donors and the trees and farmers.
Episode 28: Neuroplasticity: Your Brain's Superpower

I had an amazing time talking health, wellness, and the brain with Neurologist and Epileptologist Dr. Philippe Douyon, MD. We start by discussing the beginning of his journey in becoming a neurologist, having the passion at a young age, dealing with uncomfortable spaces in medical school, and graduating while in kidney failure. We transition into his early years as a neurologist, finally finding his place after a long night alone and on-call, and comparing early workflow to current. Our conversation ends with all things brain! We discuss the importance of exercise, being the leader of your brain, dealing with depression, brain dysfunction causes, as well as marijuana, addiction, and psychedelics effects on the brain. Dr. Philippe also explains the work behind and his Take Charge of Your Brain in 30 Days! course, answers questions from some of my IG followers, and gives tips on optimizing your brain health.